
Our range of dedicated servers

Dedicated seedboxes are the most powerful ones we have. The server is only in use by you and you have access to 100% of the server's performance.
All dedicated seedboxes can be configured either as a seedbox or as a plain server with root access.

  • Essential and Essential Plus servers
  • From $14.95 MONTHLY
  • From 500GB HDD storage
  • Unlimited traffic
  • 100 Mbit/s uplink
  • Located in France, Netherlands or Canada
  • rtorrent (with super-enhanced rutorrent + deluge
  • Roku channel

  • 1 Gbit/s Power dedicated servers
  • From $89.95 MONTHLY
  • From 8TB HDD storage
  • 100 TB - additional traffic available at a low cost
  • 1 Gbit/s uplink
  • Located in Netherlands or USA
  • rutorrent, wtorrent, rtgui, avalanche
  • Plex
    Roku channel

  • 2 Gbit/s Power dedicated servers
  • From $124.95 MONTHLY
  • 100 TB - additional traffic available at a low cost
  • 2 Gbit/s uplink
  • Netherlands
  • rutorrent, wtorrent, rtgui, avalanche
  • Plex
    Roku channel

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